Empowered Product Team Roles

The saying,  “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link” is especially true in a software product team. At Polymorph, our teams are built on three main pillars that, when combined, form one value delivering, autonomous entity that solves the needs of users by supplying them with a well-designed, lean and robust product.

That is certainly a mouth full and can be overwhelming for someone new into the product development space/in a product development team,  so let’s break this down.

The three pillars mentioned above are product management, UX design, and engineering/development.  Together they form a product team and are solely responsible for finding, designing, and building the solution that will solve the users’ needs. These three pillars are briefly discussed next. 

Product management is that pillar of the team that ensures that the intended product is viable and delivers value.  UX design is responsible to make sure that the product is usable while engineering/development is responsible for feasibility.  

Not a single pillar of the team can function successfully on its own. However, when they function together in unison they rely heavily on clear and consistent communication between the pillars. The weak link is therefore not any of these pillars but rather the communication between them.

It is also very important that the team members understand that making mistakes is part of the process and that it does not stop there. Learning from those mistakes is valuable, as is stepping up and taking responsibility which is something that good cultures encourage.  This enhances product teams’ sense of ownership and is the foundation of continuous improvement – something that should be ingrained into a truly empowered and agile team.

The key to a successful product development team is to have these three pillars thrive in their respective roles while still having the freedom to solutionise. Ultimately, the glue that bonds them together is solid, clear and consistent communication.  This will surely take you one step closer to a successful product.

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