Embracing Shift-Left Testing in Custom Software Development

Often, projects run over their proposed deadline or even go over budget. This is often attributed to a lack of appropriate project planning and management. However another main culprit that’s overlooked is that software testing is often done too late in the project’s development life cycle. The effect of this can be a project struggling […]
Unpacking the Significance of Company Culture in the Modern Workplace

Most CEOs know that a great company culture is the key to retaining top talent for any company. And for the past couple of years, company culture has become the new industry buzzword. But is it just another fad, or is there perhaps more to it? Let’s unpack this some more. “Culture is how employees’ […]
Exploring Software Wonderland: A Tester’s Odyssey through Scenarios and Types

Just like Alice’s Wonderland, testing has many paths or, as we call it, “testing techniques” that you can use to get to your desired outcome i.e., ensuring that the quality of your system is top-notch. That sounds pretty simple, right? And it is, but there’s a bit more to it than just that. When it […]
Quality assurance in the IT world: the good, the scary and the possibilities

As a follow-up to my previous blog, Navigating the IT world: a QA’s perspective, I thought the next best thing to talk about would be what to expect when you decide to embark on a journey as QA in the IT sphere. I mentioned before that you can start your career as a manual tester […]
Navigating the IT world: A QA’s Perspective

Have you ever experienced that cloud of confusion paired with some mild “imposter syndrome” when someone mentions the words “IT” or “software development”? I promise you that you’re not the only one. For years I avoided anyone who wanted to talk to me about coding and anything related to it. Whenever someone just mentioned “Java” […]