4 Simple Steps to Validate Your Mobile App With Customers

You have a really good idea for a mobile app. It solves a specific problem and there are no other similar apps out there. Still, having only a concept for your app is not enough and you might be worried that after investing a substantial amount of money to develop the app, the market might not agree with you. So how can you ensure that your target audience will value your app to such an extent that they use it on a regular basis and tell others about it? You need to validate your assumptions. Let’s consider 4 steps to do that and ensure your app will be truly profitable. 

1. Talk to potential users

2. Listen to what your customers are saying

3. Find out the size of your potential market

4. Don’t be afraid to ask the hard questions

One of the biggest reasons why mobile apps fail is a lack of product-market fit. This means that nobody needs the solution you are developing. It is crucial to find a new, unresolved problem in a market that falls within your expertise. Consequently, the worst startup mistake you can make is to start with the solution rather than the problem. Conversely, a successful app development idea can transform and even disrupt the traditional market and see your product transcend contenders in the market.

1. Talk to potential users

This is your target audience. Gather qualitative data on their existing pains and needs and establish whether these are real, perceived or rather just nice to haves. You can gather the data utilising focus groups, conducting surveys, jumping into forums or even through one-on-one interviews.

2. Listen to what your customers are saying

To ensure you develop an app that people will use regularly, you have to get into the minds of your target audience. You need to fully understand what frustrates them about their specific problem, what they have already tried to remedy the problem, what are their pain points and what do they consider to be the ideal solution.  Record what your target group is saying, but do not lead them.  The more questions you ask, the better you’ll understand and will be in the best position to meet their needs exceptionally.

3. Find out the size of your potential market

The first thing you need to determine is whether there is a user market, a decent-sized population and a demand for your app. Furthermore, you have to establish if other, similar solutions exist. These are all pertinent points to take into account before determining whether or not to proceed. Keeping in mind the answers, you need to ensure your app will ultimately beat the market while not breaking your business. A good place to start evaluating your market size is by engaging with audiences on, for example, LinkedIn and Facebook as well as using the keyword planning tool in Google Ads manager.

4. Don’t be afraid to ask the hard questions

Ask your target audience: “If you had to pay money for this app, would you and how much would you pay?” If they answer yes or give a ballpark figure, ask them if they are willing to commit today at a discounted rate. If they agree, you might even walk away with the names of your first early adopters.

Bringing an app idea to fruition requires time and money. While entrepreneurs and startups firmly believe in their own ideas, it is crucial to subject these ideas to validation and so avoid unnecessary risks. In this regard, Polymorph brings vision, innovation and exceptional UX to your app development journey. 

If you would like to assess whether you are ready to start building your app, please use our free app calculator to find out in a few simple steps. 

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