Custom software development pricing: A guide for non-technical people

Let’s not beat around the bush. Custom software development doesn’t come cheap. Fortunately, there are questions you can ask to ensure you don’t waste money on software development. But how much should you budget in the first place? You’ll encounter various pricing models on your journey to determining the upfront investment into your software. Each […]

4 Pitfalls to Avoid When Building Custom Software

If you enjoyed our previous blog about the three-legged stool of custom software development, you will now understand the balancing exercise required to build successful software and maximise your return on investment. We highlighted how custom software development can benefit businesses of all sizes – but only if it’s approached correctly.  By its very definition, […]

Empowered Product Team Roles

The saying,  “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link” is especially true in a software product team. At Polymorph, our teams are built on three main pillars that, when combined, form one value delivering, autonomous entity that solves the needs of users by supplying them with a well-designed, lean and robust product. […]

Empowered Teams

Working in teams can be one of the most fulfilling experiences one can have in your professional life and yet it can also be one of the most common reasons to look for other employment.  In some teams, you are just a number, another asset to be exploited or a skill to be applied where […]

Technology in 2024 : A Prediction

I’m often brought to a halt by the realisation that something mundane I just did would have been pure science fiction in most people’s minds just 10 years ago. An example : 10 years ago, if you told your friends around the braaivleisvuur that in 2014 they would be able to take their cellphone from […]

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