Mitigate Usability Risk – Make sure your mobile app is easy to use
Like with any meaningful innovation, developing custom software comes with several risks. Whether your users can figure out how to use your solution is one of the big 4 product development risks. This is known as usability risk, and not addressing it early can result in your software or product failing. Usability is a measure […]
Understanding these 4 risks will help you build a successful app
Building custom software is an exciting opportunity that could lead to substantial business growth. Just like any meaningful innovation, custom software development includes a number of risks and analysing them should form an essential part of the planning process. Given the amount of time and resources that are typically invested in custom software development projects, […]
4 Reasons why many good apps fail and how to avoid them
App stores are brimming with mobile apps craving to make their mark. This leads to massive competition and makes it challenging for developers who are keen to develop a mobile app to grow their business. The reality is that approximately 80-90% of mobile apps in the app stores are discarded after only one use. So […]
4 Simple Steps to Validate Your Mobile App With Customers
You have a really good idea for a mobile app. It solves a specific problem and there are no other similar apps out there. Still, having only a concept for your app is not enough and you might be worried that after investing a substantial amount of money to develop the app, the market might […]