Maximise your return on investment with the software development planning canvas

Famous philosopher, writer and inventor, Benjamin Franklin once said: “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” This statement is especially true when leading a software development project where you have to juggle various aspects of the software development process. We have adapted principles from The Lean Product Playbook by Dan Olsen to […]

Software development: Don’t get caught building software with no real value

Currently, the Apple App Store grows with 1000+ apps per day which means competition is fierce and organisations can easily feel that they are missing out on an essential piece of the digital revolution. Nevertheless, businesses can make the fatal mistake of diving into app development unprepared and end up with an app with no […]

Mitigate Usability Risk – Make sure your mobile app is easy to use

Like with any meaningful innovation, developing custom software comes with several risks. Whether your users can figure out how to use your solution is one of the big 4 product development risks. This is known as usability risk, and not addressing it early can result in your software or product failing. Usability is a measure […]

Software development product discovery

What is product discovery and what is the importance of it? Product discovery is a flexible period during which the product team focuses on “building the right thing” rather than “building the thing right”. The latter would be seen as product delivery. We see product discovery as an iterative process where an emphasis is placed […]

Understanding these 4 risks will help you build a successful app

Building custom software is an exciting opportunity that could lead to substantial business growth. Just like any meaningful innovation, custom software development includes a number of risks and analysing them should form an essential part of the planning process. Given the amount of time and resources that are typically invested in custom software development projects, […]

4 Reasons why many good apps fail and how to avoid them

App stores are brimming with mobile apps craving to make their mark. This leads to massive competition and makes it challenging for developers who are keen to develop a mobile app to grow their business. The reality is that approximately 80-90% of mobile apps in the app stores are discarded after only one use. So […]

What will operations, maintenance and the cloud look like by 2031?

Forbes recently posted an article, What Operations and Maintenance Could Look Like By 2025, which is very much consistent with what Polymorph has been doing over the past 15 years. The Covid-19 pandemic forced a big transition to mobile devices. This trend is continuing and even accelerating in 2021 as businesses are learning to appreciate […]

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