An introduction to the IoT Stack (part 2)

The complexity, and thus the potential of IoT, has scaled remarkably with the rapid growth in the number of connected devices. This number is placed at anywhere between Gartner’s estimate of 6.4 billion devices to IHS’s estimate of 15,4 – 17,6 billion. 1 How does IoT connect to and help the billions around the world? […]

An Introduction to the IoT Stack (part 1)

Whenever I write on technology, I think of a tool popular at workshops in introductions; explain your job to a five year old. When it comes to IoT, I usually say “I help people speak to machines” and that is usually how one thinks of IoT. To understand the IoT stack, it is easier to […]

What is the Internet of Things?

Simply put, IoT is an acronym for the Internet of Things. For me, connection is at the heart of IoT. Just as the mobile phone connects us to the people we love through a device that fits in our pocket, IoT will connect us to our homes, our cars and the devices that we use […]

Is IoT the innovation that will humanise tech?

In the 1700s, the First Industrial Revolution made many manual labour tasks redundant. Then, during the Second Industrial Revolution the advances in manufacturing and production technology enabled the adoption of telegraph and rail networks, and water and energy supply. This allowed an unprecedented movement of people that brought with it a new wave of globalisation. […]

What is IoT?

At Polymorph we work on innovative products all the time. One of the growth areas in Technology at the moment is the Internet of Things (IoT). What is the IoT? Rather than tell you, I have decided to show you. To do that, I connected my Garage Door Openers to the internet. That means I […]

Making software that actually gets used

Design is all about the search for form. For software, this means answering questions like “What should this software look like?” and “What interactions should be allowed?”. At my previous company, the products we developed were all server-side backend type software that talks to machines – of course there is always a human user somewhere […]

The Apple DOES fall far from the Android.

After starting my job at Polymorph as an app designer three years ago, I became a huge Apple enthusiast, I thought NOTHING came close to Apple. Their products, their designs, the company, nothing or no-one could persuade me to think otherwise. I even became interested in developing iOS apps, because I thought Android/Windows/Blackberry didn’t stand […]

Provisioning – Using Chef with Vagrant

Introduction This is the third in a series of four posts. In the first post, the devops tool Vagrant was introduced. Vagrant makes it easy to standardise the environment in which software is developed and deployed. By default, Vagrant uses VirtualBox as its standardisation provider. However, as was shown in the second post, it’s easy […]

Vagrant – An Introduction

Overview Over the last few years, various tools have become available that try to standardise, in some way, the environment in which software is developed and deployed. In the next few blog posts, we’ll touch on one of these tools, Vagrant, and see how it can be used in conjunction with other devops tools to […]

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