Polymorph helps student with career decisions

Job Shadowing is one of the most important aspects to consider when deciding on a career. The internet can give you a lot of insight into a specific career, but nothing beats hands on experience. One cold day in July, Zandre Niewoudt walked in at the Polymorph offices. Hungry to learn more about what it’s […]

The first Hack Day of 2015

At our last hackday for 2014 we dove into the realm of IoT (Internet of Things) by controlling access to our office with connected hardware controlled using Mobile applications over the internet. The hardware we used for this was the Spark Core development Kits (Now called Particle – http://www.particle.io/prototype). Essentially it is a tiny Wifi […]

A Day Without Shoes

The grass was frosty, so were our our feet. The team of Polymorph decided to go without shoes for one day, donating our shoes for people less privileged than us. It was everything but easy. Our toes went dead and at the end of the day we couldn’t feel our feet. With challenges like walking […]

A Peek Into The Life Of a Graphic Designer

Geek is the new Glam. Or so they say… If we go back ten years, working in tech was reserved for the socially awkward human beings. Those who communicate better with machines than people. But nowadays, flaunting your latest app or showing off your coding skills will definitely get you on top of; not only […]

Polymorph in the news

Polymorph got featured in the EikestadNuus! You can read the full article here: http://www.eikestadnuus.co.za/240388/news-details/is-hierdie-ontwerpwerk-n-wetenskap-of-is-dit-kuns

Polymorph goes Hint Hunting! (Hipster Style)

In Woodstock, Cape Town, better known as the Hipster Mecca, resides the famous Old Biscuit Mill. This is where the team of Polymorph went for the monthly team day. This was not any Team-day though, the goal of the day was to strengthen the team spirit between the team members and test the communication skills […]

Polymorph through the eyes of an intern

When talking to anyone about an apprenticeship at a company, words like “under-appreciated work”, “long hours” and “coffee runs” are one of the first things to come up. But for any person with a will to learn, an opportunity like this is to persuade even if it means kissing-up to anyone that could provide it. […]

The Final Hackday of 2014

A core value at Polymorph Systems is innovation and for the fourth and final H4ckd4y of 2014 we decided to venture boldly where as Software Engineers few of us have gone before, hardware hacking of the Internet of Things. It seems as if the use of the term “the Internet of Things” (or IoT for […]

My Favourite Tech Blogs

So, I’ll confess: I love reading. I believe in the concept that knowledge is power. And in the tech world that statement couldn’t be any more powerful than it already is. And what better way to obtain knowledge than through reading? With tech-related blogs popping up daily, it’s hard to find one that really suits […]

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