How Software Development Influences Cloud Infrastructure Costs

Many companies believe that once they migrate to the cloud, their infrastructure costs will simply decrease. However, the bill that comes at the end of the month often says otherwise. The truth is that cloud infrastructure costs are largely determined by how you develop your software. For example, serverless software architectures are often more cost-effective, […]

Empowering Users: Exploring Practical Business Logic with YAML

YAML, known for its simplicity and human readability, is a widely used data serialisation language often employed for configuration files. Given this function, the question arose: What if it could be used to define bespoke business domains and logic, giving end users the ability to describe domain entities and their relations in a way that’s […]

First time building an LMS: Offline first [updated February 2024]

Since the publication of our recent blog post, PowerSync unveiled a new, significantly more cost-effective pricing structure and introduced both a React Native Client SDK and a JavaScript web SDK, enriching their platform’s capabilities and compatibility. When building our first LMS we were often asked to solve two very interesting problems, namely the lack of […]

First time building an LMS: SCORM

In recent years, learning has taken a leap from traditional classrooms to virtual platforms, and the learning management system (LMS) is at the heart of this transformation. If you’re unfamiliar with what an LMS is or how it’s revolutionising the education and training industries, this article is for you. We’ll dive deep into the core […]

Flutter CI/CD with Codemagic Part 1: Automating test releases

The popular belief that automating test releases is a luxury reserved for large teams or complex projects is quite misleading. With Codemagic, app developers in South Africa can automate the most time-consuming app release steps, such as code signing, building and uploading new app versions, and setting changelogs. And after first-hand experience in how amazing […]

A key to uncovering target and product market fit success

Business model research is an essential process for entrepreneurs, founders, CEOs, and leadership teams. One of the most important steps in business modelling is researching target markets and competitors. When businesses understand their target market and competitors, they can make informed decisions about the direction of their software product development. Market research makes it possible […]

Processing data with AWS Step Functions and CDK

Introduction AWS Step Functions is a powerful service that allows you to build, run, and visualise workflows composed of AWS Lambda functions and other AWS services. One use case for Step Functions is to create a workflow for deleting a user in your application. This post will walk you through how to use AWS Cloud […]

Biometrics done wrong

In the tech industry, we are used to buzzwords sweeping through the media and general cultural awareness that had a very narrow technical origin. It gets complicated if that meaning gets lost in translation, but the hype remains. “Biometrics” has started to take on that form. Let us unpack it a bit and see where […]

Software development best practice: Good requirements lead to great architecture

As an agile software development team, you may frequently find that your delivery dates are wrong. It seems that requirements have changed and therefore caused the delay, or there were hidden complexities in the feature. What if the reason isn’t that the requirements changed but instead there was a misalignment between what was understood to […]

4 Simple Steps to Validate Your Mobile App With Customers

You have a really good idea for a mobile app. It solves a specific problem and there are no other similar apps out there. Still, having only a concept for your app is not enough and you might be worried that after investing a substantial amount of money to develop the app, the market might […]

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